The relocation of Butiaba Health Center III that is water-logged has caused a feud between the Buliisa District Health Officer-DHO Dr. Nelson Naisye and Chief Administrative officer-CAO Joanita Nakityo.
The health center was submerged last year following the rising water levels in Lake Albert. The floods also submerged staff quarters, maternity, male and female wards, store, Outpatient Department-OPD and roads leading to facilities.
As a result, Buliisa District Health department moved the Health Center services to Butiaba Primary school since pupils were away due to the nationwide lockdown.
The health center receives 200 patients a day on average including those from the DR Congo who cross over to access treatment. Following the resumption of semi candidates, medical workers at the health center are finding it hard to operate within the school.
Recently, the CAO Joanita Nakityo wrote to the Health management to relocate to Watembo UPDF detach where she says there is free and adequate space to accommodate both health workers and patients.
However, this hasn’t gone down well with the DHO, who says that he consulted with residents who declined the offer to relocate the facility to Watembo UPDF detach, saying they are not familiar with military installations.
Butiaba health centre IV submerged into water
“Most residents fear going to the UPDF barracks for treatment,” Dr. Naisye says.
He approached sub-county officials who proposed that the health center should be moved to the former sub-county headquarters since the place is spacious and accessible to everyone.
Mugenyi Malitabu, the Butiaba Sub County LC 3 Chairperson this was a unanimous decision that the health center moves to the sub-county headquarters.
“We secured another place to accommodate sub-county staff and allow the health center to use our facilities.” Mugyenyi said.
Gilbert Onyutha, a resident of Butiaba landing site, says that Watembo UPDF detach is too far from Butiaba in addition to the fact that many people entering the Barracks.
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