KAMPALA-UGANDA/NEWSDAY: The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports has released Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examination results for the year 2020 indicating an improvement in the general performance of candidates.
According to the results released on Friday at State House Nakasero by the Minister of Education, Janet Kataha Museveni, 39,968 candidates in 2020 passed in Division One compared to 27,842 in 2019. In Division Two, the same trend was maintained with 16,635 candidates passing in this grade compared to 86,417 in 2019.
Dan Odongo, the UNEB Secretary applauded the performance of the candidates saying it was great despite learning being disrupted when schools were closed to contain the spread of Covid-19.
Janet Museveni described the improvement in performance as a testimony that God is doing good things for the country.
A total of 330,592 candidates sat for the 2020 examinations. According to UNEB, 165,341 candidates were female while 165,251 were male.
148,135 of the candidates were under the Universal Secondary Education (USE) program while 185,754 candidates registered in Non-USE schools.
47 candidates registered from Upper Prison Inmates Secondary School, Luzira.
At Royal Giant High School Mityana, it was jubilation as one of their students was among the best nationwide. Iramakunda Aime scored 8 in 8. At Munta Royal College, a sister school to Royal Giant Mityana Muhwana David scored 10 in 8. Both schools registered a great number of first grades. many students got between 8 and 20 aggregates.
Munta Royal College stars
The school director Benon Ntambi attributed good success to a combined good relationship between the parents and teachers as well as God’s Will.
Royal Giant High Mityana Stars
PRAY GODWIN -Agg 18 in 8 TUMUSIIME FRED – scored19 in 8 IRADUKUNDA AIME – Agg 8 in 8 NATAMBA SAMUGI scored 11 in 8 NAMUSAALE SSUUBI J – scored 10 in 8 ARINAITWE TREVOR scored aggregate 14 in 8 MUHENI EMMANUEL scored 17 in 8 MWIMA KALIDI scored 16 in 8 NANKUMBA SHABIBAH – scored 15 in 8 KATO PETER scored 18 in 8
Also Bayiga Cindy Priscilla scored 31 aggregates attributing what she called a low mark to the sickness of his father who at the time before and during exams was sick.
“I would perhaps have sored 10 but I got many disturbances. However thanks to God who enabled to score a first grade,” Bayiga said.
BAyiga Cindy of Mengo S.S scored 31 aggregates. Here he jubilates with his brothers Isaac-left and Gideon-Right.
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